Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break

Electronic Filing of an OWCP - DOL CA-1 Traumatic Injury in ECOMP PORTAL Latest New Updates

Dr. Taylor Season 4 Episode 7

An OWCP  traumatic injury is defined as: “A wound or other condition of the body caused by external force, including stress or strain, which is identifiable as to the time and place of occurrence and member or function of the body affected. The injury must be caused by a specific event or incident or series of events or incidents within a single work day or work shift.”

Notifying your supervisor and filing a claim & Immediately notify your supervisor of your injury and your intent to file a claim using ECOMP. Request your supervisor’s Postal Service email address to use in registering in ECOMP. Once you have registered in ECOMP, go to the top of your dashboard and click New Claim. Follow the directions for filing a CA-1 claim for traumatic injury. If you are filing the claim within one week of the injury, request form CA-16, Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment (must be supplied by your manager within 4 hour. Request a Form CA-17 Duty Status Report from your supervisor. The Postal Service is responsible for filling out the job requirements on the left (side A) of the CA-17. Once your doctor has completed the CA-17, make a copy or take a picture of the completed CA-17 and give the original to your supervisor. 

Your doctor should provide you with their report so you can send medical reports directly to OWCP.  You can  upload medical reports into your claim file via ECOMP. When the occupational & safety personnel ask you for your records you are required to provide them with your return to work CA forms CA-17 or CA-5C. Your medical reports are protected by the Privacy Act and should be sent directly to OWCP, not the Postal Service. Never give your private health information medical reports to an agency employee that is protected by federal law. For more information read the show transcript and listen to the podcast. 

The podcast Dr. Taylor’s contact information is:

https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a medical provider or assistance with an OWCP /  DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida or Mobile Alabama    you can make an appointment to see Dr. Taylor, or Dr. Sullivan   at the clinic at  FWC Medical Centers. To make a consultation with Dr. Taylor  call the clinic at 813-215-4356 or go  to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/

For responses please  email Dr. Taylor at fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com

For responses email Dr. Taylor at fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com

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